Friday, August 16, 2013

Soul Wrenching Dreams

Soul Wrenching Dreams

I love this quote by Christopher Reeves.  He say’s “So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable."  There are so many quotes on dreams, yet people are afraid to dream.  I say, Dream Big!  Where would we be today if people didn’t follow their dreams?  Thomas Edison dreamed of creating the light bulb the Wright brother’s dreamed of building an airplane, every inventor had the mind of a dreamer and they followed that dream.  So why is it so hard for us to dream?  Is it because life has beaten us down?  We’re afraid of failure?  People in our lives tell us we can’t do it?  Whatever the reason, I say let it go and Dream!  Sit down right now, grab a pen and paper, or your laptop for the tech savvy, and write down what’s deep inside your heart.  Once you’re done writing it down, ponder on it, envision it, en-vision every single aspect, down to the very last step.  Now, start writing down goals.  How will you make this happen?  When will you make this happen?  Who do you need to help you make this happen?  How much will it cost to get this started?  If you need to, start slow, but never give it up. If it takes years, so what, work towards that dream and no matter what, don't let it go. 
Sometimes, our dreams are shallow.  Not the soul wrenching kind of dream that comes back over and over again , even after years of burying it.  God places dreams in us, and he wants us to follow them.  He wants to help us achieve that dream, all we have to do is open up our minds to it and allow it to flow through us.  If this is a God given dream, then you have no choice but to chase it down and make it a reality, otherwise you will never be free. 

                                                                 Soul Wrenching Dreams

I love this quote by Christopher Reeves.  He say’s “So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.  There are so many quotes on dreams, yet people are afraid to dream.  I say, Dream Big!  Where would we be today if people didn’t follow their dreams?  Thomas Edison dreamed of creating the light bulb, the Wright brother’s dreamed of building an airplane, every inventor had the mind of a dreamer and they followed that dream.  So why is it so hard for us to dream?  Is it because life has beaten us down?  We’re afraid of failure?  People in our lives tell us we can’t do it?  Whatever the reason, I say let it go and Dream!  Sit down right now, grab a pen and paper, or your laptop for the tech savvy, and write down what’s deep inside your heart.  Once you’re done writing it down, ponder on it, envision it, en-vision every single aspect, down to the very last step.  Now, start writing down goals.  How will you make this happen?  When will you make this happen?  Who do you need to help you make this happen?  How much will it cost to get this started?  If you need to, start slow, but never give it up. If it takes years, so what, work towards that dream and no matter what, do let it go. 
Sometimes, our dreams are shallow.  Not the soul wrenching kind of dream that comes back over and over again , even after years of burying it.  God places dreams in us, and he wants us to follow them.  He wants to help us achieve that dream, all we have to do is open up our minds to it and allow it to flow through us.  If this is a God given dream, then you have no choice but to chase it down and make it a reality, otherwise you will never be free. 

Thursday, August 15, 2013

I am a big advocate on following your dreams.  In fact, my husband and family think I have my head above the clouds most of the time.  When I joined It Works Global, something clicked inside my head, and I knew that my dreams were going to come true.  What are my dreams?  My dreams are to finally find  something that I am good at.  Something that I can relate to and put all of my passion into.  I want to give more money to people in need.  I want to give more money to my church, which is launching a second location in a few months.  I've always dreamed of buying my husband a brand new yellow corvette...when I became debt free.  I want to buy a new home, not a big fancy home, but a nice modest home next to a lake.  I want to support a ministry where I can help women who are hurting physically, emotionally, and financially.  I want to live a debt free life.  Who doesn't want that?  Do you know how much good you can do by living a debt free life?  These are the things I wrote on my dream board.  I ponder over my board everyday, and I pray a circle around my business everyday.

I love to read inspirational books, especially on dreaming big dreams.  Dutch Sheets wrote a book called Dream.  I highly recommend this book for anyone who wants to dream, but is afraid to.  He is basically telling us that God wants us to be dreamers.  He dreams through us.  Dutch wrote:  "My greatest goal for this book is that you, too, connect with the dreaming heart of God.  If I can enlist you in His dream program by connecting you to His dreaming heart, you'll never again be satisfied with the abnormal existence of a non-dreamer or the mundane life of an earthbound one.  You were created to dream, and doing so in partnership with God is one of His greatest gifts to us".  This is probably one of my favorite books.  Dutch is the one who opened me up to dreaming again, and I thank him for that, because I know that God wants me to dream now, and I will not give up again.

The second most influential person to me on dreaming is Dave Ramsey.  Dave is a financial adviser who inspires millions of people world wide.  One night I was reading the Success From Home magazine that came inside my It Works Global kit.  I read it from cover to cover and was so inspired by all the success stories.  I tried to read some to my husband, but he said, "please don't read those to me, I get nothing out of them".  It was so sad to me, because he lost his ability to dream.  Well, I continued reading to myself and I get to page 89.  I look at the title and it read...Start With A Dream, End With A Goal.  I look at the author of this article and it is non other then Dave Ramsey. As I read this article, he said "I see dreams essential to winning.  However, the very nature of dreams is that they are not well defined.  They are big and fuzzy, kind of in the clouds.  As they begin to take shape, some of the mist is blown away.  As dreams start to morph and move toward reality, that is when I start calling those dreams visions.  Vision is the next step of developing your dream into something.  Visions are dreams with more clarity.  Dreams become a reality only when you pull them gently from the clouds and convert them to visions.  Dreaming is a sign you have hope.  Dreaming is a sign you still think you can win."  Then he goes on to say that you need to turn these visions into goals.  Without setting goals, your vision will go nowhere.  As my husband was laying there at 3 am trying to sleep, I felt him start to toss and turn.  I couldn't contain myself, because I was so excited about what I had just read.  So, I kind of nudged him and said, Frank, are you awake?  he groggily said, "yes", so I excitedly asked him, "who would you say is the most influential person as far as finances are concerned?" I thought he was going to punch me, because of my excitement in the middle of the night.   He tiredly said, Dave Ramsey.  I said, "so whatever Dave Ramsey says is the gospel truth to you, right?"  He said, "yes".  So I turned on the light, grabbed the magazine and turned it to page 89.  I said, "what does this title say?"  he read it, and I said, "who is the author of this article?"  He rolled his eyes and said "Dave Ramsey".  I said "Point taken".  If Dave Ramsey tells us to dream, then darn it, I'm not this crazy lady who has her head up in the clouds.  

God speaks to us in different ways, but lately He has really been speaking to me about dreaming.  I am a dreamer and I am trying my hardest to allow God to take me where He wants me to go.  I'm not doing it selfishly.  I want God's will for my life and I know It Works Global is apart of His will.  The Pentecosts are very good, God-loving people who honestly want to help people become debt free.  Many companies tell you this, but they aren't  living it.  It Works Global is completely debt free, so they are talking the talk, as well as walking the walk.  I admire this company and the owners.  

As I read some of the success stories from the Success From Home magazine, I thought to myself, why not me?  If it can happen to them, than why can't it happen to me?  I am now chasing after my dream.  I have set a goal for myself to be a Triple Diamond with It Works Global by April of 2014, hopefully before.  Nobody is going to stop me from achieving this dream.  If Madra Jones, and Denise Walsh can do this, then why can't I?  Don't give up on your dreams.  Follow them, and see where they take you.  Start to live your dream.  Start to envision your dream, then start setting goals in detail.  Make a dream board and put all of your dreams on it.  Make it colorful and attractive to look at.  Pray over this dream board every single day and see what happens.  Don't let anyone steal your dream.  

If you would like to become a part of It Works Global, go to Sign up to be a distributor and my team will help you turn your dreams into reality.  It Works Global is all about teamwork.  We can't become debt free, unless we help you become debt free.  Don't wait.  The time is now.  Follow your dreams and turn them into reality.